

Quality Gate Status Security RatingCoverage

A typescript OpenWeatherMap client, API docs located here.

APIs supported.

  • OneCall
  • Pollution
  • CurrentWeather

API documentation for this library can be found here


import axios from "axios";
import {OwmClient} from '@curium.rocks/openweathermap-client';

const apiToken = process.env.OWM_TOKEN;
const owmClient = new OwmClient(axios);

const currentWeather = await owmClient.current.getCurrentWeather({
appid: apiToken,
city: 'London'

console.log('The current weather in London: ', currentWeather);

const currentWeatherNearArea = await owmClient.current.getCurrentWeatherNearby({
appid: apiToken,
lat: 29.422789,
lon: -98.507065,
cnt: 50

console.log('The current weather for areas nearby: ', currentWeatherNearArea);

const currentWeatherInRegion = await owmClient.current.getCurrentWeatherForArea({
appid: apiToken,
bbox: [
lat: 41.76106,
lon: -89.45617,
lat: 42.69255,
lon: -85.94055

console.log('The current weather data for the bounding area: ', currentWeatherInRegion);

const currentPollution = owmClient.pollution.getCurrentAirPollution({
appid: apiToken,
lat: 41.76106,
lon: -85.94055
console.log('The current pollution levels: ', currentPollution);

const forecastedPollution = await owmClient.pollution.getForecastedAirPollution({
appid: apiToken,
lat: 41.76106,
lon: -85.94055
console.log('The forecasted air pollution levels: ', forecastedPollution);

const historicalPollution = await owmClient.pollution.getHistoricalAirPollution({
lat: 41.76106,
lon: -85.94055,
start: new Date(new Date().getDate()-1),
end: new Date(),
appid: apiToken
console.log('The pollution levels for the past day: ', historicalPollution);

const allInOne = await owmClient.onecall.getDate({
lat: 41.76106,
lon: -85.94055,
appid: apiToken
console.log('The combined summary data is: ', allInOne);

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